Until current health care reform legislation takes full effect in 2014,
individuals with pre-existing conditions will continue to legally be
subject to certain exclusions and limitations in coverage from health
insurance companies. However, despite legislation to the contrary,
various types of discrimination continue to occur throughout the country
in regards to offering fair coverage and premiums when it comes to
health insurance.
A recent study has found that individuals
with genetic conditions are actually twice as likely to be denied health
insurance as individuals with other equally serious chronic illnesses.
This population is also more likely to be subjected to higher premiums
as well as higher deductibles. The same study also found that half of
the individuals interviewed did not want to leave their job because they
were fearful of losing much needed health coverage.
legislation has attempted to address this issue to some extent. HIPAA
(the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) was partially
designed to help ensure that health insurance is made available to all.
Previous to the passing of the law, there was widespread fear of almost
every employee to move to a different job as they could easily lose
health coverage. With this act, most employees were put at ease with the
introduction of COBRA and additional federal regulations regarding
offering health insurance to new employees.
Unfortunately, with
the economy as it is, employees are again fearful of losing their group
health insurance, regardless of any pre-existing conditions. As
companies continue to lay off workers and stop offering group health
insurance benefits, more and more people are finding themselves without
health insurance.
Another provision of HIPAA was to prevent, in
no uncertain terms, the use of genetic information in the writing of
any health insurance policy, whether group or individual. This type of
information may not be used to determine eligibility or be treated as a
pre-existing condition that may be subject to exclusions or additional
limitations. In addition, if someone has been found to have a genetic
marker for a disease, their policy may not be affected by the finding.
anyone that exhibits symptoms of a certain genetic disease or have been
otherwise diagnosed by a medical professional can legally be
discriminated against, along with anyone else with any kind of
pre-existing condition. In addition, anyone with a strong family history
of breast cancer or colon cancer is likely to be (illegally) considered
"high risk," and as a result are subjected to the same limitations and
high premiums as those with diagnosed chronic conditions.
of the unfortunate results of permitting discrimination against
individuals with pre-existing conditions is that insurance companies
often take advantage of their ability to impose limitations. Those that
do not reject an initial application will attach riders to the policy
which make obtaining the necessary care essentially the financial
responsibility of the patient.
With so many discriminatory
practices in today's health care industry, it is the hope of many of
those that have been downtrodden by such a broken system that the
upcoming change in legislation will be a saving grace, changing lives
for the better.
Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013
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